My dear blog serves as an archive for my work.Please go to my instagram page for up to date images.

My photo
I am an artist living and working in the West of Ireland. I make drawings,clothes,ZINES and artists books,short films and beloved objects. I have a stall at the Saturday Galway Market (from early february approx through till the last saturday before christmas) ...... if you would like to contact me further please email queenjaneosullivan (at)gmail(dot)com Thanks for visiting !

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

walking and working

just taking a wee break , working on drawing collab with cendrine (top secret !!)
read this lovely interview with cendrine , just published on pikaland

on sunday I will be at an artist book and zine fair in dublin...just got to finish a little offering for that too.
I have had some nice walks around the place when the weather allows.

femmy otten this drawing !


Unknown said...

dear Jane, it was so lovely to see you again :) You're one of my favourite things about ESC :) You, and Elida and Shelky.

Here's my photos from yesterday:

Jane O Sullivan said...

oh jess , thank you !
.......I so enjoyed yesterday and seeing you again , you are an amazing person , roisin my daughter just showed me your pics and it cheered me up loads , I was so tired after all the excitement and travelling ,roisin says she thinks what you are doing is amazing xxxx
(I do too)