My dear blog serves as an archive for my work.Please go to my instagram page for up to date images.

My photo
I am an artist living and working in the West of Ireland. I make drawings,clothes,ZINES and artists books,short films and beloved objects. I have a stall at the Saturday Galway Market (from early february approx through till the last saturday before christmas) ...... if you would like to contact me further please email queenjaneosullivan (at)gmail(dot)com Thanks for visiting !

Friday, April 06, 2012

Ēostre ..........

cotton velvet beret and clutch bag **
antique lace *cats eye stone bead* silk*  hand crochet rose* vintage resin bead with shell within it 
handmade by me 

......................because she brings renewal, rebirth from the death of winter

I am fine , just very busy with chidren and now making things for the market and above this beret and bag all handsewn for a lovely local lady.
Today I am up early to use this sacred day to make some drawings , the full moon and the traditions of the Spring Goddess Ēostre will guide me , Happy Ēostre to all those dear to me :)


Ritva said...

happy everything, dear!

Jane O Sullivan said...

same to you
thank you ritva !

cloudgathererholdmedown said...

thank you.
your world too is so heartfelt and beautiful