My dear blog serves as an archive for my work.Please go to my instagram page for up to date images.

My photo
I am an artist living and working in the West of Ireland. I make drawings,clothes,ZINES and artists books,short films and beloved objects. I have a stall at the Saturday Galway Market (from early february approx through till the last saturday before christmas) ...... if you would like to contact me further please email queenjaneosullivan (at)gmail(dot)com Thanks for visiting !

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

new moon❍ new work❍ all new !!❍

pencil gesso and watercolour
feb 2012
not sure what to call this piece yet ..........

above from yesterdays life drawing session

 I love this staffordshire figure c.1840

 image from my friends lovely 1930.s embroidery book


Shelky Bean said...

o o ooo jane, love the top drawing. So lovely! Exciting new work, quiet, delicate, but so strong. Yeah!!!

Jane O Sullivan said...

oh richael, that is a lovely comment all those things I hope for in my work, bless you for seeing them :)