My dear blog serves as an archive for my work.Please go to my instagram page for up to date images.

My photo
I am an artist living and working in the West of Ireland. I make drawings,clothes,ZINES and artists books,short films and beloved objects. I have a stall at the Saturday Galway Market (from early february approx through till the last saturday before christmas) ...... if you would like to contact me further please email queenjaneosullivan (at)gmail(dot)com Thanks for visiting !

Monday, April 30, 2012

metamorphosis the new magpie magazine is out !!

walking a new dolls face broach down to its new owner on saturday in Galway

hanna tuulikki

totally pysched to be included in the beautiful new edition of magpie magazine titled and themed metamorphosis, released in printed form last friday.
It is full of really interesting articals, has a c.d of pretty exciting out there music and looks into the new revolution in folk in a most interesting way.
It costs 10£ sterling and you can buy it directly from the online blog.I got my copy today and I cant wait to read it .
Thank you to the editor Michaela for including my drawings and super good luck to the publication.


magpie magazine blog has SO much inspiring wonderfulness , do take a look !

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

new new new !!! all the new things are shining and magical**PART ONE**

truth is my identity
a handmade concertina book
edition of 6
independants day 
dublin food co-op sunday 22nd april 2012

elida maiques beautiful friend and comic book artist extraordinaire (with sam maiques carroll)

I had a great time on sunday at the independants day fair for D.I.Y culture.
I was exhibiting my new book truth is my identity which sold out !! and also my other publications and some prints of my drawings.It was a special day because I was showered with love and appreciation ,I stayed with my dear friends elida eoghan and sam and felt like a new deer so giddy with excitement was I from all the good feelings which came from working like a mad woman for a week , getting myself up to dublin after my market stall and having a time out of time experience. 
Thank you to all of my friends and family , you are all in my work , you hold it and help it happen xx

new new new !!! all the new things are shining and magical**PART TWO**

goddess of illusion
(for maya)
ink acrylic watercolour on paper and callico
april 2012

I treated myself to this insanely  vivid plant on my return from Dublin,you cannot believe the colour it actually vibrates !! (its called a senetti)
I really did love that tippett and didnt really want to sell it , what a silly doodle I am , thankfully its gone to a good home (muirreann xx)
felted wool *rabbit *silk ribbon*  hand stitching all handmade by me♡
drawings with cendrine will be published soon ,when we are totally ready and I have some lovely images of the work being made (watch this space)
creativity has no manners , it takes forever to come and then it just falls out at a torrential speed with no regard for its maker whatsoever !
I am happy but exhausted after a truelly magical and blessed week.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

walking and working

just taking a wee break , working on drawing collab with cendrine (top secret !!)
read this lovely interview with cendrine , just published on pikaland

on sunday I will be at an artist book and zine fair in dublin...just got to finish a little offering for that too.
I have had some nice walks around the place when the weather allows.

femmy otten this drawing !

Thursday, April 12, 2012

around me

some nice images to be going on with ....I have been digging in the garden for 6 hours I am exhausted !
I hope to start my drawings next week, right now I am 2nd garden assistant and its all go between getting the seeds started and the ground cleared.

* out take from drawings from our heart collab , this has been painted over and isnt so visable as this
* got this lovely lady in dublin ,looks like her shoulder is a bird
* drawing of a pine marten by charlotte bronte as a child
* my friends old embroidery , I SO want this :)
* some of my broaches for my market stall

** the fairytale review is a publication I recently happily discoverered and they have an open submission here for writing or a drawing, it may interest some of you gals x

Monday, April 09, 2012

a beau belle creation

the dress
c.1940.s made in Ireland
glazed cotton
sold it at the market , to a lovely woman, it was a special dress, like it had been hand drawn.

I didnt know that dory previn ,the singer who sung from a fragile and broken heart died just a few months ago poignantly on valentines day,she was 86.
I was introduced to her singing by an older hippy friend a long time ago, back in the 1980,s and I was transfixed by the honesty and clearness of her songs ,she has paved the way for many .Glad to have heard her voice.

dory previn singing
(the girl with the braid)

Friday, April 06, 2012

Ēostre ..........

cotton velvet beret and clutch bag **
antique lace *cats eye stone bead* silk*  hand crochet rose* vintage resin bead with shell within it 
handmade by me 

......................because she brings renewal, rebirth from the death of winter

I am fine , just very busy with chidren and now making things for the market and above this beret and bag all handsewn for a lovely local lady.
Today I am up early to use this sacred day to make some drawings , the full moon and the traditions of the Spring Goddess Ēostre will guide me , Happy Ēostre to all those dear to me :)

Monday, April 02, 2012

a few out takes (dont forget to click on the image so you can actually see it !)

as you know by now I very often prefer the awkwardness of the back of my drawings , unintentional marks included.They very often become the actual drawing as I mostly draw on both sides,taking ages to see which side feels right in the end.
the front of this drawing

dolls face broach went to a new home on saturday from my market stall
the actual faces are dwindling now as I was given them a long time ago, they still make me smile.

another favourite  back of a drawing
the front drawing

an old book of images  documenting college work, this was part of an installation of poloroids and a tiny tree with ceramic branches ,a drawing,and  a tiny metal rose

aesops fables 
illustrated by a and m provensen 
paul hamlyn 1965
I love this books jolly cover,that pink is to die for.
I wish all my friends a lovely easter and I hope you are all full of inspiration and have the time to follow it through :)

you may like this film of some images of leonor finis work 
learn about this intrigung artist here 
article about leonor fini in  daily telegraph