My dear blog serves as an archive for my work.Please go to my instagram page for up to date images.

My photo
I am an artist living and working in the West of Ireland. I make drawings,clothes,ZINES and artists books,short films and beloved objects. I have a stall at the Saturday Galway Market (from early february approx through till the last saturday before christmas) ...... if you would like to contact me further please email queenjaneosullivan (at)gmail(dot)com Thanks for visiting !

Monday, December 02, 2013

December is within and without ........

me and my eldest daughter ,scaned from her film camera south bank london 2012
three images below from my studio

some visual reference points for me at this cold moment of lessening light and gathering hype of the season. I aim to stay still within the centre (lol)
went to the first ever retrospective in Ireland of surrealist painter Leonora Carrington ,it was amazing.
Watched Jean Luc Goddards film Bande à Part 1964 last week is superb , watch the dance scene here , I dare you not to be feeling better after it !!
Love Marcel Dzama a long long time now he is too much, such a poppet :)

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