hmmm...excuse the stray pin

I made this and Penny loved it :)

book production

hello there if you are reading and thank you for dropping by , do leave a comment today ,it makes me SO happy .
Well , I am fine keeping on making and do-ing and such like. I have 2 of my edition of 10 house drawing books left after the show
illusions of stability
edition of 10
They cost 20euro +p&p
I will make a second edition , smaller this time with a fabric cover and some of my writing in it too. (please let me know if you are interested , by email or comment )
I have some of the life drawing books too, tommorow I will post up the images.
That IS me in the green hat ! I still make special one-off creations , never forgetting the skills I learnt as a milliner all those years ago!
Thanks to Penny who fell in love with my frida kahlo-ish jacket and skirt which she bought for her birthday on saturday.
I really enjoyed making it.
I hope everyone is getting a little sun . I went completely mad working in my garden yesterday and today feel about 130 years old !