untitled (work in progress)
ink on gessoe on board
it is not an easy step for me to make my work bigger , I have all sorts of silly arguments with myself about why I dont need to and how my work suits a smaller scale blahdey blah.. and then someone I trust suggests I go big just to see what happens ,for a challenge etc!
I have been at this new venture all weekend. It takes ages to put grounds down ,four coats etc... and it all seems so labourious BUT ... I liked the change I felt as soon as I saw the difference in scale (up to 120cmx90cm compared with my normal 20cmx20cm)
I think that it will enhance my smaller more obsessively detailed work , so thank you T for pushing me , I feel excited and isn,t that a good thing? I am going to work into the large piece tommorow with some um...... obsessive details and see what happens (rather like doing your hair again when you get back from the hairdressers !) What do you think ?